• United States

    • Class Brain State Reports - You will find most or maybe all of the information you need to do your state report.

    • 50 States and Capital Cities - This is the place to start if you need things like state capital, state tree, state flag, etc. It is a little hard to figure out where things are at this site, but just keep clicking away and you will find lots and lots of information about each state plus pictures.

    • Stately Knowledge - The basic facts about each state in the union and links to other sources of information.

    • Statemaster - If you need lots of statistics about the states, this is place to look. It has things like education, health (including the per cent of toothless people), finances, and the best places to live.

    • The Great Lakes Information Network - All kinds of information about the Great Lakes including maps. 
    • Pennsylvania - The official homepage for the state of Pennsylvania